GrantForward (see quick overview video) helps you find grant opportunities that suit your research needs with a database of grants from over 12,000 sponsors that is updated daily. You can search for grants by keywords and advanced filters, save your favorite searches for new grant alerts, and save your favorite grants to keep track of them. GrantForward also offers grant recommendations to you based on your CV, past publications, and research interests.
You can access GrantForward at or from the ORED website. In order to be able to use full search features including saved-search and personalized grant recommendations, please sign up (view demo) for a user account with your Rutgers email address.
Attached is a Researcher Welcome Guide for you to be able to quickly get started with using GrantForward. You can also find additional tutorials and guides on GrantForward Support page, or view the video tutorials on their YouTube Channel. If you require any assistance, please contact